Every child is born to live and grow. But the plan of God for the special child born in Bethlehem was beyond this. In his birth, unlike other children, Jesus was surrounded by his mother and father and wrapped in swaddling clothes. Additionally, the poor shepherds and the Magi visited him. This special child, because he is Emmanuel, God with us, impacted the trajectory of time in such a way that we can now speak of before and after Christ.
The child Jesus was also born to die. His death had to be a redemptive one, bringing salvation from the snares of the devil. This mission led him through betrayal, mockery, and suffering to his death on the cross. But after three days laid in a new tomb, he rose from death to life. With this victory over death, Jesus, the Light of the World, walks with us, and through the Lamb of God’s sacrifice, we are redeemed, for he is truly the Alpha and the Omega.
Tħejjija u Twettiq, written by Mons. Lawrenz Sciberras, is published by Preca Publication in Maltese.