Il-Paċi Magħkom
a magazine‑like publication in Maltese
with short articles and reflections of a spiritual and religious nature

Pocket-sized Booklet
a booklet in Maltese published and distributed freely on particular occasions
focusing a specific themes
Preca Calling
a journal including several articles in different languages
with a review of the main events of the SDC

Dun Ġorġ
an informative journal in Maltese about the life and works of St George Preca
SDC Newsletter
a bimonthly journal in English featuring the latest news and events of the SDC

Eugenio Borg
an informative journal in Maltese about the servant of God
and first Superior General Eugene Borg
Gilbert Simiana
leaflets about the inspiring life of Gilbert Simiana

a booklet in Maltese published by the SDC Candidates
featuring insightful articles on various topics aimed for the young people
a magazine in English issued by the SDC Preca Community in Australia
for friends and associates of the Society of Christian Doctrine (M.U.S.E.U.M.)

The Echo
a newsletter in English providing reflections, ideas and useful resources for catechists and teachers of religion published by the SDC in Upper Norwood (UK)
Societas Doctrinæ Christianæ M.U.S.E.U.M.
St George Preca Street
Marsa MRS 9090
Malta EU