L-Iskola St Michael:
L-Għaxqa ta’ San Ġorġ Preca
(St Michael School:
The Pride and Joy of St George Preca)
Il-Papiet Kbar ta’ Żmienna
(The Great Popes of Our Time)
Gilbert Simiana:
Fuq il-Passi ta’ Ġesù
(In the Footsteps of Jesus)
Jien Iltqajt Miegħu
(I Have Met Him)
Għoxrin Ġgant tas-Seklu Għoxrin
(Twenty Great People of the Twentieth Century)
Urgings of the Heart
L-Awtobijografija Spiritwali ta’
Charles de Foucauld
Tħejjija u Twettiq
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Societas Doctrinæ Christianæ M.U.S.E.U.M.
St George Preca Street
Marsa MRS 9090
Malta EU