St Michael School is a Catholic Secondary School run by the Society of Christian Doctrine, M.U.S.E.U.M. The school caters for boys between the ages of 11 and 16 and continuously strives for a better life inspired by the teachings of the Gospels and other human values. The school asserts that every individual is unique and that his/her dignity is to be fully respected. Therefore, it does its utmost to instill in every student a vision of hope based on our faith in Jesus Christ.
St Michael School works hard to prepare each student to take up the challenges of an active and responsible participation in society, along with its varied cultures and environmental heritage. It strives to receive its students with the same healing and teaching attitude that Jesus showed towards all those who befriended him. Thus, Christ the Teacher is our model on whom we cast our behaviour and all our activities.
Inspired by the call received by St George Preca, St Michael School lives a particular spirituality where the virtues of humility and meekness are the prevalent attitudes that guide us. The daily routine at St Michael School is constantly nourished by the presence of God and strengthened by the protection of St Michael the Archangel.
To provide a holistic education, the staff endeavours to form an educational environment which encourages the student to develop new talent and obtain the necessary knowledge that empowers him to live up to his potential.
Societas Doctrinæ Christianæ M.U.S.E.U.M.
St George Preca Street
Marsa MRS 9090
Malta EU