Comunidad Jorge Preca (Lurin)
The associate group “Comunidad Jorge Preca” is a group of men and women, most of them married, who meet every Tuesday at the SDC Centre to pray and learn together about different themes such as Bible, biographies of saints, SDC spirituality and Latin American Church documents. They also lend a helping hand in the apostolate of the SDC Centre. One associate teaches catechism to adolescents in the “Virgen del Carmen” chapel in Mamacona every Friday together with other members from the SDC Centre. Others help in the preparation of the breakfast offered to children and adolescents on Sunday morning after mass. Some offer themselves to clean parts of the Centre while others help spiritually by praying for the SDC. Once or twice a year the associate group organizes an outing which helps to build and strengthen ties between the members. A weekend retreat is also organized specifically for the group once a year usually on a weekend in October.
Societas Doctrinæ Christianæ M.U.S.E.U.M.
St George Preca Street
Marsa MRS 9090
Malta EU