In the beginning of a new year, let us thank God for everything we have graciously received from his bounty during the previous year and ask him to keep us in his hands during the coming months of 2024. What would St Saint George Preca suggest if we had to ask him for some tips on how to lead a happy and fulfilling life. In this article, we explore 10 useful tips inspired by the teachings and writings of St George Preca which we can adopt for the coming months.
Live a Life of Virtue:
St George Preca emphasized the importance of cultivating virtues in daily life as it is the virtues that instil life in our actions before God. In practicing good habits, such as honesty, kindness, meekness and humility, we become more Christ-like, hence, we develop in what we were originally created on. Keep in mind that the virtues may be only be acquired little by little.
Cultivate a Strong Spiritual Life:
A strong spiritual foundation is crucial for our inner happiness. Regular prayer, reflection, and a deep connection with one’s faith provide strength and guidance, helping individuals navigate life’s challenges with a sense of purpose and peace. Moreover, St George Preca reiterated that a healthy spiritual life helps us avoid sin, the main enemy and sole cause of our ruin.
Serve Others Selflessly:
Serving others without expecting anything in return. Acts of selfless service not only benefit those in need but also bring a profound sense of joy and fulfillment to the giver. Ask God each day for the grace of refusing nothing to those in need.
Practice Gratitude:
St George Preca encourages the practice of gratitude as a means of recognizing and appreciating the blessings we receive in life. It is a praiseworthy custom that each morning we offer to God all the thoughts, actions and sufferings of the day. Through this offering we recognize God as Creator and Lord, thanking him for all he is doing and drawing upon ourselves his blessings and his grace.
Foster Strong Relationships:
Building and nurturing meaningful relationships is essential. If we keep company with good friends we will become good; if we mingle with saints we will become saints, however, if we make friends with those who are bad we will become like them before we know it. It is very important to seek the company of a good friend for help, encouragement and spiritual benefit.
Embrace Simplicity:
Avoid complexity and troubles and live a simple and modest lifestyle. By detaching from materialism and embracing simplicity, we can find happiness in what is basic and essential, and avoid the distractions that can hinder us from genuine happiness. Keep in mind that Christ embraced little children for their simplicity and presented them to us as models.
Practice Patience:
Patience is definitely the salient virtue that St George Preca would recommend us for a happy life. In cultivating patience we fosters inner peace and remain composed. It is deceptive to pretend that we can live in a world without experiencing any troubles. Keep in mind that in our patience we shall win our souls.
Maintain a Positive Attitude:
Happiness is experienced according to attitudes and circumstances. A positive attitude is instrumental in navigating life’s ups and downs. St George Preca encourages individuals to approach challenges with optimism as an optimistic outlook makes one bloom.
Pursue Lifelong Formation:
St George Preca valued the pursuit of personal and spiritual growth. Faith formation throughout our entire life would be key, as he insisted that there is nothing more precious than good instruction which is truly the only source of all well-being.
Trust in God’s Plan:
Central to St George Preca’s teachings is the importance of trusting in God’s plan. Make it a rule to thank God each day for everything that happens to you, both in prosperity and even more important, in adversity, and you will enjoy peace of heart.
Let us adopt these 10 tips for the year 2024 as the roadmap that St George Preca would recommend us as we embark on our journey towards a truly fulfilling and happy life. May God be with us always!