Satan should remember that he owes his very existence to the Most High
to whom no one can be equal.
No power can remove Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High
and of the Virgin Mary, from his eternal glory.
In consequence of Satan’s malice, the truly happy guilt of the first parents of the human race
rendered God’s Son their own brother.
Satan can never and by no means or effort find peace and rest
not even by persecuting the servants of God themselves.
The anguish of soul and the tormenting of the body brought about on people through Satan’s hatred
are the cause of a greater crown of glory.
He who said “I will not serve” brought, through his malice and confusion,
the effect of God’s incomprehensible judgements.
To God alone praise, honour, and glory
for he receives the humble and casts the proud away.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.
The prayer St Michael’s Voice written by St George Preca in Maltese: