Prayer is at the heart of every faith. Just as you cannot love your wife or husband without spending time with them, you cannot follow God without approaching him daily in prayer. This can be said to be seen in every other religious tradition. For example, a practicing Jew pauses to pray three times a day, while Muslims pray five times. However, this is something that in our faith we seem to have neglected, at least in Western countries, and around us we are seeing the fruits of this neglect because faith is always losing its prominence in our lives. We are even sacrificing the Sunday mass which for many was the last regular appointment with the life of faith. What can we do in the face of all this? Let the words of Christ inspire us, “Let your light shine.” Let us be people of prayer. Let us make Sunday Mass a truly spiritual prayer experience. It doesn’t matter how many people come up to the altar to do something! Because not only those who read or bring up the offerings are taking part in this celebration. Everyone who is in the church during mass is taking part in this prayer. But we must make it a moment of prayer. Let us find time, everyday, to pray and, in our intentions, we ask God to increase faith in the people close to us. Let’s not forget that Christ himself told us that “everyone who asks, receives”.
Societas Doctrinæ Christianæ M.U.S.E.U.M.
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