Sadly, in our time, it has become increasingly common to hear people speak against the Christian faith. It’s not unusual to encounter someone criticising it on the mass or social media. However, when you take the time to listen to what they have to say about faith in God, you’ll find they often discuss a variety of ideas but seldom reflect deeply on what God has truly revealed Himself to be.
St George Preca, saw this reality growing around him even in his time. He worked tirelessly to counter it, not only by teaching but also by embodying what he believed. God does not limit this responsibility to a selected few, such as St George, priests, religious people, or the SDC Members. From the day of Baptism, every Christian is called to share with those he encounters who God truly is.
Today, as many people are quick to spread misconceptions about God, it is even more vital for us to reveal the true nature of God in any way we can. Some may do so through words, others through writing, but above all, everyone can do so by example; by living the faith and virtues that he believes in.