It is an article of faith that, in the Eucharist, Jesus Christ is truly, really and substantially present, with his body, blood, soul and divinity. At the last supper, Jesus Christ himself said to the apostles: “Take this and eat of it, this is my body which is given for you: do this in remembrance of me” and this is what the Holy Church teaches with infallibility. Besides, throughout the history of the Church, many miracles took place that testify to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Whoever truly believes in Holy Communion does not let a day pass without receiving it. Our human nature urges us to always be close to and united with those we love and we experience great sadness when we are separated from them. Thus, a person of faith who is convinced of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and who holds him as the only object of his heart, experiences much consolation when receiving Holy Communion, and the only sorrow of his heart is when deprived of this divine food. This sacrament is weapon against sin and woe to him who receives it unworthily!
Jesus Christ is not only wholly found in Holy Communion under the species of bread but equally under the species of wine. And, although we eat Holy Communion, we do not crush him or destroy him, but we receive him entire and completely; and although we receive him, we do not consummate him; as it makes no difference whether it is just one person receiving communion or many. This is the wonder of the omnipotence of Christ: that it is always the same Christ, the one who is found at the right hand of the Father is also found in every fragment of consecrated bread. Do not think that when the host is broken the body of Christ is broken, but only the species are broken, and, although Christ is complete in each and every little piece, Christ is always one.
Only two things can keep us away from Holy Communion: mortal sin and not observing the Eucharistic fast. The apostle St Paul teaches us that whoever receives the eucharist unworthily, he is also receiving his own condemnation. If, therefore, you consider yourself guilty of a mortal sin, refrain from receiving Holy Communion until you have been absolved of your sins through the sacrament of Confession, even in cases when there is no priest available and even if you consider yourself justified with perfect repentance. Regarding fasting before Holy Communion, remember that you must fast for one hour immediately before receiving Communion.
Dear brother, would a person dare to come forward to receive such a sublime sacrament in a state of mortal sin, if they truly believed that God himself made man is in the host? Therefore, how come you do not fear when you think that you are going to receive God within you, he who is so great and you who are so small, or, rather, you are nothing?
Always approach Holy Communion with a pure heart, free even from venial sin, and, above all, with a spirit of true charity towards your neighbour who has offended you, and of peace if it was you who have offended anyone. It is better not to receive Holy Communion than to receive it unworthily.
adapted from the book Taħdit għat-Tfal (Talks for Children) (Nr. 20) by St George Preca