The life of the founder, St George Preca, was bursting at the seams with the love of God! He restlessly taught about this through his writings and the spoken word, in parish squares, in the streets and most especially in SDC centers. What an example to follow!
A few years after founding the Society, Preca was on his way on foot to do just this, to meet the members and children in one of the SDC centres. This would become an extraordinary walk for Fr George, experiencing a stupendous vision, as he would later describe it. Along the road he saw a boy, apparently about twelve years old, pulling a cart with a sack of manure tied onto it. At one point, this boy turned towards Fr George and in an authoritative voice ordered him: “Help me!” Though taken a little aback, calmly and fearlessly, the founder stretched out his arms and started pushing the cart and its load of manure, with the boy himself pulling.
Upon reflecting deeply on this vision, Preca understood that the twelve-year-old boy pulling the cart was Jesus, who at that age was found in the temple among the Jewish Elders, the cart and manure represented his Society, and he was behind pushing. The founder was convinced that he was not alone; the members of the SDC were there with him, pushing and trusting in the one who was leading the way.
Today, the Lord still pulls the Society into new missions, and the SDC Members still push the cart for more people to embrace the Good News. St George Preca is fervently calling the SDC members to keep on pushing the cart and to live the SDC vocation and its unique charism! To the extended family of friends of the SDC, please keep the SDC Members in your prayers, that they never cease to fulfil their call and witness to God’s people!