Preca Members, Associates, and Companions in Mission in SDC Adelaide, South Australia, gathered for the Preca Holy Week program and parish liturgical celebrations. Preca Youth staged stations of the cross on Good Friday morning. The same evening, we gathered for a prayer meeting, adoring the holy wounds and praying with Our Lady of sorrows.
Preca Members led a 3-hour retreat on Holy Saturday and children ‘s Liturgy of the Word into two parishes on Easter morning. Some older Preca Youth gathered for a pub meal and a walk on the beach on Easter Monday.
The Easter programme was held on Thursday night, followed by a delicious lamb roast dinner, after which lamb-shaped figolli were distributed.
Celebrations followed on Friday with the entire community, starting with the ceremonial insertion of the five pieces of incense in the Pascal candle.
Finally, Preca Youth organised an Easter Egg hunt for kids.