From 15th to 21st September 2024, 50 young people and bishops from 25 countries from the Mediterranean region met in Tirana (Albania) for MED24 to collaborate on buildng peace and promoting interfaith and intercultural dialogue.
During this week discussions were held on education, communication, and development in the Mediterranean region. The theme chosen was Pilgrims of Hope, Builders of Peace. During this event, Pope Francis sent a recorded message for the occasion. Among the participants there were also the Auxiliary Bishop Mons. Joe Galea Curmi together with two Maltese youths.
Warren Vella, an SDC Member, animated an activity addressed to the participant youths. The activity took place in the Peace Village in Shkodra. The theme of the activity was Slow Down, Guard your Heart, Be Real! This activity helped the youths to refelct upon their lives and to interiorise the experiences that they go through.